Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The stairs have wood on them and look great. they have not been stained yet or polyurethaned.

This is the closet before the shelves are put in.

Larry spent all day last Saturday putting in grass seed but we now have a grand canyon theme going on.

This is our sink tops and counter tops for the kitchen before instillation.

Again, how many tucks does it take to build a house.....?

quest bathroom counter tops, beautiful

Our bathroom before counter tops

After counter tops. They are green granite, nice

The laundry room even got the royal treatment with nice granite counter tops

Proof that I helped build the house.

protecting the hill from erosion. We will test it out tonight with lots of rainfall

this is the outside house color, They had a coat on in one day, actually a few hours

These are the kitchen counter tops. They are brown and beige splotches.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This is what Larry worked on all day Saturday! He is planting grass seed. Trying to save our top soil and keep it from eroding. Next week i should blog of grass!!!

This is what Larry looked like after working in the dirt. He is with our Electrician, Bro Dial. What a pair. Larry has worked hard on the house.
View of stairway off of deck

My office. I am painting from the crown molding up white to look like the ceiling, that way it doesn't fell like a cave in there.

a veiw of the covered deck. We plan to screen it off, there for the door.
Our tile floors

This is our bathroom, check out the trim on the shower

We have air conditioning! I am happy and the workers will be happy.

I love the steps!!!! cool

Friday, September 24, 2010

Boy do we have a messy living room. There are kitchen cupboards, saw horses, materials, dust and dirt, fans and men!

guest bathroom tile on the walls. It's going to be done by tonight. We delivered the grout this morning.

This is a picture of the unpainted crown molding on the master bedroom. The upper one is lower than usual as we are going to put rope lights up there hidden in the molding.

The deck is finally save to walk out on. It looks great! This picture is of the covered deck area. We want to screen this part in to keep the bugs out!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This is the outside deck before.....

This is after,,,,we will have 2 fans out here soon too.
getting the bathroom ready to tile,

Base boards are going in this week. Looks more and more like a house!

Drive way is done! They reached the end. It looks great and i am glad that we did it and we won't have gravel......
The deck is getting done! Finally we will be able to walk out there. It will be a nice feature on the house. Larry might live out there.

The driveway pour started. It looks great! A nice big turn around area, because you don't want to back out of this driveway!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How many trucks does it take to build a house?????

The man is making a trench for the electrictiy. Bringing it down near the house

They are pouring the first of the cement for the long driveway. This will be nice.

The final resting place for the electricity. We will have to hide it with bushes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tomorrow we get a driveway! They will pour it in 3 days total as it goes quite a ways. It will be nice to drive to the door. It's happening!

That is the quest bathroom cabinets minus the drawers!

This is the area where the table will go, by the double doors to the outside.

More cabinets!!! We measured wrong in a few places so we are making some adjustments. We will use the leftovers behind the toilets and downstairs when we build. It is going to work out just fine.