Once in a while we look out and wee lots of geese. Grandpa even puts cornout so they will come on the lawn and close to the house.
We all eat pudding differently! Some are more creative than others.
Aaron is multitasking, eating pudding, talking on the phone and playing a card game! We love to all play games together. Golf and 3-13 are the favorites.
Brittany and I went on the neighbors boat for the 4th of July fireworks. It was so fun. There our little lights on the boats and there were hundreds of boats out there. It looked like a fairy land. Then the big fireworks were over the water, it was pretty.
Larry is 63 and had fun opening his cards and presents! We gave him a pie so he wouldn't have candles to blow out! That could get scary!
He loved his presents and his phone calls from his kids.
Larry got a portable ping pong set, so Aaron and dad had a quick game on the counter tops. We have since moved it down stair on a ping pong table!