December started out with me actually getting a project done. I finished some unfinished wood stools. I wanted them to match the cupboards and blend in. How did I do? It was great to finish something.
This was me being cleaver....this was Brittany and Arron's Christmas presents. I took pictures of what they got and put them in envelopes because they were traveling. That was fun. Christmas is ready and delivered and we are on our way to Kentucky to help out with Heather and the twins. Oops after the ward party!
Before we left to go to Kentucky, we were in charge of the ward Christmas dinner. It was fun to do and it turned out well. We got a great turnout! It was a lot of work but it was fun.
Larry and I arrived in Kentucky Dec 17th. We got busy getting ready for Christmas. W raping presents, delivering treats and so on. We made a family gingerbread train. It is a tradition in the Mills household.
We brought our socks too!!!!
The Train in the making. Everyone was involved.
Christmas morning. Navy blankets for the twins from Darin and Lisa. Cute and cleaver!
a princes blanket for Reagan. She loves all the princes, again a perfect present!
More surprises. Heather was allowed off her chair for Christmas morning
We enjoyed having the missionaries to open presents with us. It was fun. They stayed for a family breakfast too. Church wasn't until 11am, so it gave us a calm morning together.
This is the two places Heather could be, her chair or her bed. Reagan got tied of it but liked to hang out with her mom. Heather obeyed the rules very well.
We played with a lot of play dough...we made rainbows, snowmen, Christmas trees and so on. Grandma bought an extruder...We made a lot of spaghetti.
Getting ready for Church, she is so cute
Giggling with dad! We all tried to keep Reagan happy and busy!
Keeping Reagan busy until babies come...flour and baby oil mixture for flour dough. We had a fun did Dad and Reagan.(bottom picture)
Ella and Reagan best of friends. Reagan loves her train set.
Papa and Reagan building a fire, we all loved it. Reagan is such a helper
We also had a very special day on Jan 30th as Raina Marie was born. Darin and Lisa had their baby. All is well with them. We are waiting to see pictures of her, although we have skyped them and she is darling. What a blessing for us.
January 31 the twins arrived! Healthy and happy,and to much the relief of Heather who was pretty much in constant discomfort and pain.
A proud Dad. Jerrel loved holding the boys.
Hudson is whispering something in Porter's ear????We found that they liked to be close together. Their heads would gravitate towards each other. What a blessing to have these boys, healthy and strong. What a true blessing!
Reagan holding her brother. She will be a great big sister.
Two babies....two tiny little, precious babies.
Reagan said, now you can hold me MOM. She has missed her mom. This was taken a few days after the twins were born.
Pictures of our little ones
This is our little Hudson
The boys on their cute Navy blankets
This is Porter.