Having a quick breakfast
playing games, Settlers of Gattan
Grandpa would make the bed up so Reagan could come down stairs and watch Dora. She loved to have everything she owned on our bed.
When we went to see the lights and Santa we saw Light people. It was fun, except we had to drive along ways.
Reagan got to see Santa at a park. All of us stood in line for one little girl to see Santa, and it was cold! We love that little girl! Notice that Teddy was there to. That bear has more fun then any of us! He gets to go everywhere!
Nathan's birthday shirt from Heather and Jerrel. Nathan arrived on his birthday and we had dinner and carrot cake for him. We also went to see the Christmas lights that night.
Lisa got some scriptures that she wanted. They are nice.
Darin got a much needed wallet. His old one was completely made out of tuck tape.
A Reagan shirt, one can't have to many. Go Conservatism!
Keeping Larry warm.
My skinny husband opening his gifts. He got a lot of sweatshirts, slippers and anything else to keep him warm! He is always cold.
Reagan with her pack pack on and playing with her candy filled candy cane. Life is good. Christmas is fun with a little one around.
Looking at Santa's thank you note for the cookies.
Larry and I received this personalized rug from the Morrison family. It is beautiful. It's almost to nice to wipe your feet on.
The missionaries getting their new ties. We also sent them home with lots of food. Elder Hyte-Rector and Elder Rice. They hung out with us all day. It was fun.
Brittany and Aaron gave Nathan a belt buckle, WIDELOAD It was funny and Nathan loves buckles. Nathan isn't as wide as he used to be he has lost a lot of weight and looks really good. Way to go Nate!!!
Now on to an Open House. Dec. 30 we all went to Woodstock for a reception. Norphlet Parker is doing Lisa's hair for the Open house.
The Vail works with the hair doo. Lisa's hair looked gorgeous.
We needed to set up for the Open house for Darin and Lisa. This took place in Woodstock Ga. Vivian helped me to the end.
This is Amber Isaksen helping with the table in the foryer that we put pictures on. Thanks to Amver and her kids who helped out a lot. It only took a few hours to turn the gym into a open house.
This is Ben and Chris Isaksen and Hans Schulzka helping Larry with the arch way. Larry was so patient with the boys and they all worked together. They all got that arch up in record time. It wouldn't stay up by itself so we had to put some tables on the sides and decorated them. It all worked out!!!
Darin and Lisa waiting to get ready. Lisa is wondering how to get the t shirt off now that her hair is done??? It is a favorite shirt so cutting it off is out.
Lora and Magic arrived early so they could visit with us. Aren't they a cute family. Those girls are so precious. We can't wait to have them come to the lake for a visit this summer.
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