Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grandma thinks I am so cute.....

Daddy with baby. We were sad to see him have to go back to Atlanta for school.
Aren't I cute! Yes I have Grandma and mama's chin
Where id Robin when you need him???

Finally, let let them go free....We still had to get prescriptions filled. that wasn't easy either as the intern signed them and it was for a narcotic. He can't do that. I had to go to the Dr office and get a new prescription, they can't call in a narcotic.
Home at last 6pm. or at least their home away from home. Until Mom can travel better.
Grandpa made up some cute signs to make Dawson feel welcome!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dear Friends and family who read my blog....Look at all of the August blogs, there are 3 or 4 of them. I was trying to catch up on the last month.
This is Brittany's last dinner before going to the hospital. We made lasagna, which I made several little ones for them to take home, and we had cheesecake for dessert. Then off they went to the hospital. They gave her a pill and will start patosin in the morning. We hope to have a baby tomorrow. She is 8 days overdue. Next blog...a baby!
This is my thank you gift from Heather and Jerrel for watching Reagan. I love this sign. I first saw it at Sandi Pittard's house and coveted it! Now I have my own! We will hang it up soon!

Well this is how Brittany and I helped pass the time while she was waiting for the baby. We would play games. One day she said she had a game ready and had the giant card out ... We had a few good laughs over that. Aaron had to be in Atlanta going to Pharmacy school, his first week, and Brittany needed to be near the hospital. She needed to deliver up here in SC for insurance reasons. We watched movies, did some shopping and played games. We have enjoyed the kids being around the last few months. We will miss them, but they love their new aprtment and ward.

A friend of ours wants us to keep the little sail boat at our house and she has permission to come anytime and use it too. it is agreat deal for both of us as it was being stored on her driveway and no one used it. Right now we use it as a row boat, until we get a small part for the sales.
We haired this tractor and it's owner to put our block water wall in. The lake is down several feet and that is the time to do it.
The tractor above lifted these 1000 pound cement blocks and took them one by one to the back of the house and down to the lake.
This smaller tractor would move the dirt around and help that way.
The finished project! It looks nice.
We didn't want it to go all the way across as we want to have a big beach area. We just wanted to put the blocks were the arosion was happening. The water should fill up to the wall next spring. That area is usually underwater, up to the wall.

Heather wanted Regan to have a hair cut. This is her first one. We were afraid if we cut it we would be cutting the curl off.
Reagan did a pretty good job of holding still. Sometimes it was a moving target though.
Almost done! She looked older with her hair cut! It was cut though and it still curled!
Lots of jumping to grandma over and over. We also played motor boat, motor boat! My arms got a work out then!

We had fun with the pool. Grandma likes the clean water! We spend some time every day in the pool

Our fun days at the lake take some down time too. Reagan after a nap waking up snuggling with mom. She missed her Mom while she was gone.
Exhausted or else we were tired and we make her nap. She is so precious. She plays hard and then crashed for a 2 to 3 hour nap.
This was the sleeping arrangements when the air went out of the blow up bed!

Joe and Amber came for a few days to visit. It was so fun. Their kids are so well behaved and we really enjoyed them. When we weren't in the lake we were eating. We had chocolate pie with whip cream. Sometimes we had it separately.
Tanner wants to help, help eat something!
Reagan can always get Papa to go swim with her. They are good buddies.
Watching kids play in the lake. Yvette, Heather, Amber

Aaron joining in the fun
Keeping a close eye on Reagan. Thank heaven for life jackets, it lets you worry less.
Josh found a big clam shell. We have lots of them around, but ususally they are smaller.

Everyone was having fun. The canoe is always a big hit. The kayaks were great too! That is Adan Elder in the canoe, with Ben Isaksen and Jaydan Elder. Landon on shoe and Joshua in the Kayak.
I want t turn....little Tanner
Lets go...I can do it. How cute is he. He has big blue eyes and blond hair and smiles all the time, except in this picture..ha ha
everyone is longing in the water.
Heather enjoying the kayak, by her self or rescuing the water noodle.
hanging out with Dad. Reagan loves the water.

Having fun at the lake! Reagan's Daddy is throwing her up out of the water.
I want to jump in again, and again! I love my Dora life jacket.
everyone, come play with me at the lake, it is fun.
Papa said, if he builds it they will come.......

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ok, this blog is a mess!!!! It is back wards and sidewards.....We went up to Heathers, she went to camp, we brought Reagan home with us, then the kids came too. One day I will blog better....
Papa bought her a Dora life jacket, it is what every little girl needs. She was so excited and loved it. She would go in the lake with Papa and Aaron.
it beats this old plain one!
Then there was the pool we set up on the deck, and of course she wants Grandma to go in. The going in was great the getting up and down, not so great!
All my plants got lots of water! It was cute how she would keep wanting to water.

When we first arrived i brought Reagan a cupcake with pink icing and sparkles...because she was now sleeping in her big girl bed, in stead of the floor! We were proud of her.

Heather was the stake camp leader in her stake. Larry helped her get loaded up and off on Monday. We were there to help out with Reagan. Jerrel was in school but home at night.
Reagan started following Heather around rather closely, she knew what was going on. She is going to miss her mom. They are good buddies.

While mom was camping, we played in the pool and the sandbox. We went shopping and took walks. Reagan was so good. She minded well and we got along great! We did a lot of play dough. We also played hide and seek with "Teddy" a lot.

When Heather got home from camp we stayed a few days and then we took Reagan home with us. She stayed with us so the kids could get away and celebrated their anniversary. With twins on the way....it will be awhile before they can get away again.

When Heather got home from camp we stayed a few days and then we took Reagan home with us. She stayed with us so the kids could get away and celebrated their anniversary. With twins on the way....it will be awhile before they can get away again.
About 4 hours into the trip Reagan asked, "Grandma, where DO YOU LIVE! She really did quite well for such a long trip. We stooped and let her play at a McDonald and let her run around.