Heather wanted Regan to have a hair cut. This is her first one. We were afraid if we cut it we would be cutting the curl off.

Reagan did a pretty good job of holding still. Sometimes it was a moving target though.

Almost done! She looked older with her hair cut! It was cut though and it still curled!

Lots of jumping to grandma over and over. We also played motor boat, motor boat! My arms got a work out then!
We had fun with the pool. Grandma likes the clean water! We spend some time every day in the pool
Our fun days at the lake take some down time too. Reagan after a nap waking up snuggling with mom. She missed her Mom while she was gone.

Exhausted or else we were tired and we make her nap. She is so precious. She plays hard and then crashed for a 2 to 3 hour nap.

This was the sleeping arrangements when the air went out of the blow up bed!
Joe and Amber came for a few days to visit. It was so fun. Their kids are so well behaved and we really enjoyed them. When we weren't in the lake we were eating. We had chocolate pie with whip cream. Sometimes we had it separately.

Tanner wants to help, help eat something!

Reagan can always get Papa to go swim with her. They are good buddies.

Watching kids play in the lake. Yvette, Heather, Amber
Aaron joining in the fun

Keeping a close eye on Reagan. Thank heaven for life jackets, it lets you worry less.

Josh found a big clam shell. We have lots of them around, but ususally they are smaller.
Everyone was having fun. The canoe is always a big hit. The kayaks were great too! That is Adan Elder in the canoe, with Ben Isaksen and Jaydan Elder. Landon on shoe and Joshua in the Kayak.

I want t turn....little Tanner

Lets go...I can do it. How cute is he. He has big blue eyes and blond hair and smiles all the time, except in this picture..ha ha

everyone is longing in the water.

Heather enjoying the kayak, by her self or rescuing the water noodle.

hanging out with Dad. Reagan loves the water.
Having fun at the lake! Reagan's Daddy is throwing her up out of the water.

I want to jump in again, and again! I love my Dora life jacket.

everyone, come play with me at the lake, it is fun.

Papa said, if he builds it they will come.......
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